Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Yay ....

The news on the car is sounding a bit better today and hopefully it is repairable !!!

I have started my little summer sale on folksy and reduced the price on some items !
I have lots of new things to add such as some very pretty bags and purses , new silky flowers which are a more grown up type of brooch aimed at the fairs i have in the autumn .... you now those fairs that celebrate the C word ;)

My blogging maybe a bit hit and miss over the next few days as we are about to have our house turned upside down by some lovely workmen replacing the heating !! I shall be sneaking off up the garden with the shiny laptop when i get chance .

Giveaway packages are nearly sorted i just want to add a few more things which i need to get tomorrow on my summer trip into Manchester with 3 teenagers and 1 stroppy child ( broken car means no surfing for the Kitty hence the stroppyness )

Wool will be posted out very soon , well as soon as i can get to it !! i must say the thought of being able to decorate the whole house after the work is finished is really exciting as i can finally get it all as i sorry we want it ;)

right must dash x x x


Pink Feather Paradise said...

Ah that silver lining might be shining through after all... I will keep my fingers crossed for an amazing low cost repair... good luck with the renovations and "heating" whats that?

reminds me though to get the chimney swept! lol ;D

x Alex

Anonymous said...

good news on the car :-)

I hope the heating replacement is not too unbearable! I would be excited about re-decorating afterwards too!

Rose XXX

Kate said...

Good news about the car! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the heating replacement runs smoothly! :)

JuliaB said...

Glad things are looking up on the car front, but I do NOT envy a trip to anywhere with three teenagers! my ONE is bad enough!! Hope you have a nice time! x

Sandie said...

Fingers crossed for your car. Love the butterfly, great fabric.
Sandie at Rag Rescue