Monday, 24 March 2008


Sorry i just had to re-do the post
it was driving me insane

I have something bordering on OCD's if things are not right !!

Anyway i am taking a little blog break
im thinking about not stopping blogging because
  1. i enjoy it
  2. i drive himself insane with my constant jibber jabber
  3. i have put a year of my life into this
  4. im awkward and stubborn
  5. i can rise above what has happened
and last but most of all i have made some great friends
who have convinced me stop blogging would be giving in !!!!

i will be posting etsy updates
but thats it for a while

Sara x

Oh im so much happier now thats all sorted

I know its not what i said before or before that but i have a terrible
memory but i just had to do this post again !!

Oh you can also catch up with me on flickr !!!


Pipany said...

Hello my lovely and happy Easter to you. Love those bunnies! I am very confused over the last few posts as I am a bit behind on blog reading - not sure what's been happening but it sounds as though someone's been copying your stuff; blooming cheek but don't let it (or whatever the issue is) get to you. xx

Samantha said...

I have been reading the edited posts and wanted to give you some support.

E-mail me if you would like to chat!
