Thursday, 10 September 2009

apples and puddings

First whole day back at school for everyone and it all seems to be going well until i try to be clever and clean the bathroom before i start sewing , bath done , toilet done now the window sill and OOOOuch i take a chunk of my finger off in a safety razor of all things !!

So after running around cursing the kids for using all the plasters i finally manage to find 2 at the bottom of my bag , i wont go into details but lets just say we have now gone upto a dressing and tape !!!

I had wanted to spend my time making more of these but now i am struggling to sew up simple bag handles :)

Anyhoo i shall battle on hopefully it will heal quickly !!

Sara x


Maxine said...

Ouch! Hope it gets better soon...

dots and spots said...

Oh love the little stars! Just my colours. Daughter hinted that she'd like one of the brooches I bought from you as a birthday present!! I'd already hidden the pink one for that very purpose. Hope the fingers is on the mend!

Esther said...

that must have hurt! It'll teach you not to do chores before sewing - I always do everything I can to avoid them, haha!

Thedarkerside73 said...

Ouch! Hope it gets better soon!

Love the twinkle little star hangy. really cute.


Heleen said...

Oeps, hope it get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

Ouch! I hope your finger gets better soon... I can sympathise, I managed to stab myself with scissors while sewing last week and it's only now I can bend my finger properly!

I really am sorry for keep asking, but I can't find your address, please send it so I can get your giveaway goodies off to you! You may have sent it already, but if you have I don't know what I have done with it!!

Have a great weekend :-)

Rose XX

Hilda May said...

you see what happens when you get involved with's bad for you!.....hope it heels quick

Rachel x

Cal said...

Ow your poor finger! Too much housework is bad for the sewl - sorry! lol

julie said...

ouch. Hope it heals quickly, as those little apple brooches are delicious. Housework is definitely far too dangerous, stick with the sewing from now on for your own good! x


Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....

Kate said...

Ouch! If ever there was a warning against housework, that was it! Hope it heals quickly x

noelle said...

sorry about your finger but keep up the good work, the apples and stars are lovely!

Rubyred said...

Oh Dear, I hope your finger is better now! Sweet little makes, love them!
Rachel x

Sam said...

I have just discovered your blog - and how lovely it is too!

I'm going to have a better look now!

Sam xx

Joshy and belle said...

ouch! poor you! hope you can still sew ok! fliss xx

Perfectly Happy Mum said...

Just found you through the British Mummy Blogging group and I love what you do, it is lovely.
Hope the finger is better, that looks painful...

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Hope your finger is much, much better now - sounds so painful, ouch.

Love the star decoration, it's really pretty and festive. BFN.