Saturday, 1 August 2009

making up

no me and himself haven't had words !!

I have been busy making up scrap fabric bags
each one contains lots of lovely fabrics including Cath K , Liberty , Boden and more !

I have lots of fabric bits and decided it was time to sort them out as its getting to a point were i cannot find anything .

I have added a couple of brooch backs and a few buttons too the packs will be going on Etsy very soon ! Each pack will be about 2.00 plus 60p p+p . The pieces vary in size but are good for small projects brooches , applique , patchwork and such things !

Right i must dash as i have another batch of vanilla cupcakes in the oven

will add some photo's tomorrow

nite nite x

1 comment:

arkonite_babe said...

Ohhhhh, let me know when they go on, so I can go and drool over them. Then I'll have to convince myself that my sewing skills are indeed good enough so that I can justify getting my mitts on some gorgeous fabric scraps to have in my stash!