Friday, 31 July 2009


Yes its Friday and yes the brooch obsession goes on ....

as per usual the bright summer evening ha ha ha has made it impossible to get more shots of the others i have made so instead here's a shot of my little summer hideaway ....

I shall just pop inside stick on the kettle and cut myself a big slice of cake that will be just before the men in those nice clean coats come and pick me up and try to brooch dettox me ;)

Hope you all have a good weekend .... me i am baking cakes with 3 little girls tomorrow , i have bribed the eldest girly with money to stay in and help me or at least keep me out of the bottom draw in the fridge
( where the vodka lives !!!!!! )
only joking i love baking cakes with kids as only they can make more mess than me ;)

Sara x


Cal said...

Your brooches are fantastic. Hope you don't have too many withdrawal symptoms this weekend. Eat plenty of cake, that'll purge you of broochitis!

Cal x

Rebel Mother said...

Cooking aswell as brooch making??
I wish I could do one of them!

You must have nimble fingers!


polka said...

love your tea brooch really delicate, enjoy the cakes and I'm sure no one will notice if you sneak a dash of vodka in the mix!!

Pomona said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! I think cake is one of life's essentials, to go with the tea - great minds think alike, perhaps?!

Pomona x

Lesley (Notesfrommydays) said...

can I just say how much I love your brooches :-) and enjoy the baking - i have to build myself up to dealing with 2 small ones making huge mess LOL
Lesley x

Anonymous said...

Hi sarah, thanks for the visiting...just to encourage you at 36 I'm the youngest in my WI but it hasn't put me off !! Love your tea textiles too :)

Emma and Heidi said...

Thank you for visiting sweet Things. I really love reading your blog, I love making cakes too.