Tuesday, 4 August 2009

how to

Wear one of my flowers ......

you can look cute and have fun

wear one at a time

or do what eldest dd does and get the whole shoot done in one go

thank you my lovely girls for your help i would just add i don't normally show the kidlets on my blog but as they are such a massive part of what i do how could i not show you these lovely photo's !!

Don't forget the giveaways , i have nearly found homes for the wool and will be contacting everyone in the next day or so .

****** the choccy and brooch giveaway is open for a few days yet ******


Michela said...

Hi Sarah!
Your little models are sooo lovely!
I've just voted for you on Dorset Cereals (it's my 2nd vote) ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

Wonderful to see your fab makes being modelled by your lovely daughters :-)

Rose XXX

saraeden said...

Thank you both i have started to take the photo's to use as a back drop for my up and coming fairs !
As the girls come with me i thought it would be nice to include them .

Sara and the girls x

madmummy said...

Beautiful girlies (and brooches)!!!!
xxx Steph

BusyLizzie said...

you are sooooo lucky that your girls like to be on the blog. My lads run a mile when I get out my camera.. smile...
Lizzie xx

Lynn said...

your daughters and the brooches are lovely

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Hi Sara
Fab broaches and very beautiful models, the flower broach would look really cute as a hair clip too! you probably do that already though! lol

are we voting for you on Dorset cereals? did i miss something... ? I shall pop over straight away....

take care

Pink Feather Paradise said...

I found it and I have voted...
actually I voted for every blog I recognised... ;D

hugs Alex

saraeden said...

Thanks everyone for leaving such lovely comments and Alex , i didn't know myself that you have to re-vote each month !

I was shocked to see my little blog on there in the first place so to be voted for too was cool . So thank you all x x x x x

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

I wish we could be models too at that age ... haha. Miss the chance by miles and decades!


Rebel Mother said...

Aah, little models in the making!

Love the brooches. Fab
