Friday, 7 August 2009


So yes every Friday i am hoping to feature some of the wonderful things for sale on Folksy , there are soooo many great sellers who make the nicest things .......... so today i think i will just say go visit Folksy look at all the beautiful and talented sellers

Here is a link to start you off ...... the lovely Petal Textiles , i love her felted pictures !

But more importantly today is 07 08 09 and my wonderful twin boys 11th birthday so


We love you lots and lots x x x

We have been out for a lovely day out and now they are a little older it was a trip for new clothes too and i just couldn't resist a visit to a few Charity shops ( i lucky my kids love them as much as me ) i shall take photo's when i get a minute but we have tea to make and cake to eat :)


Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your boys :-)

I have never use folksy... I've only been on etsy for a month or so...

Looks like another one for me to check out!

Rose XXX

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Happy birthday to you guys... don't tire your mum out toooo much!

Folksy is fab... must pop over there again soon...

x Alex

Lynn said...

Happy birthday to the boys, I hope you all have a really good day

Thedarkerside73 said...

Will have to check Folksy out.

And a Happy Birthday to your lovely boys! I have twin brothers so I know how they can wear a mum out! lol. Hope you all have a fun day celebrating.


sarah-jane down the lane said...

Happy Birthdays to your boys! Hope you have all had much fun!
Sarah x

Rebel Mother said...

Twin boys! You have your work cut out for you.

Hope they had a good birthday.


Michela said...

Happy birthday to your little diamonds!