Monday, 24 August 2009

day one

yes we have survived day one of the heating saga .... still a bit shocked at the mess and yes Vanessa you were right ;)

All the new radiators are in , the new boiler has replaced the old boiler which i believe came off the ark !

My lovely new fire is waiting to be put in and finally i will have a proper mantel piece oooooh just think sparkly lights at that "C"word all draped around my new mantel piece !!

Anyway i have had no time to take new photo's so i have added a few more of my faves !!

so i shall carry on cleaning and putting things back in some rooms in others that will have to wait a day or two while we paint and then you never know i may share some corners of my home with you !!

Thank you for all the lovely comments today and for everyone who has signed up to my PIF if you missed it don't worry i have one more pif to do !!

Sara x

ooooh don't forget you can also follow me on twitter !!!!!!


madmummy said...

glad day one went well, doesn't sound as if it has been as painful as you thought (so far!!).
xxx Steph

The Little Bakery said...

Glad you got through day one. Love the pic's of your fav makes they are all so nice.