Saturday 1 October 2011

how is it October

yes i know i am sat here writing this post on a warm Summer evening... no wait it is October!
I should be in jeans and jumpers not skirts and flip flops.
Now don't get me wrong i am not complaining but it is a little difficult to be in full on Christmas sew fest when its so warm and sunny!

So after a week if grottyness with a cold i took little K, my camera and a bag and off we went for a walk and a little blackberry picking.
Not sure we really need anymore jam, so instead i am off to grab a few cooking apples in the morning so i can make a crumble .

Hope you are all enjoying this fab weather

Next time i blog i have a feeling i will be wearing the jeans and jumper x

1 comment:

Lyn said...

its strange weather isn't it? but have to say its welcome after the rubbish summer we had!