Monday, 3 August 2009


Wow i have just noticed i have got 200 followers .... thank you all so much for following my little blog.

So to say a big thank you i have a big bar of yummy Green & Blacks and this little cutie

Its all sat in an envelope sealed up i must add or the G&B may get the better of me ;)
I will do the usual *** pick a name later this week sometime ***

Will post anywhere

So just leave me a quick hello

Oh and if you fancy some free yes free wool just leave me a comment on the free wool post below

All those lovely ladies that have already left a comment can you email me your address and i will get your wool off to you ..... I am sure all the charities will be pleased to just to say as well i shall be making a donation to the RNLI and the local mountain rescue .

Must dash more flowers to finish .... yay !!!


Beck said...

How lovely to have 200 bloggy friends! Of which I am one! Yay for you indeed. I live in Australia so I'm not sure if you giveaway extends that far but I'm happy just to keep on enjoying your blog xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

Oooh we are lucky to be following you - you are very kind to be giving away MORE things!

I will send you my address re the wool if that's ok?

Thanks again :-)

Rose XXX

Sew Scrumptious said...

hello! I would love to win your giveaway. Congrats on reaching 200 followers.

Cal said...

Congrats on having 200 followers - not surprising!
Cal x

Pomona said...

That's a fantastic total of followers - something for me to aim for one day! And a great reason to celebrate. But it's a lovely blog so I'm not surprised!

Pomona x

andamento said...

Lovely give-away, hope I'm lucky!

Vixanne said...

Congratulations! 200 followers, wow! Like the others said though, really not surprising. Such lovely things you make and share :)

Unknown said...

200 followers is some achievment so well done you ! x

Michela said...

Hi Sarah!
Thank you so much for joining in my blog! you have 202 followers!

Shsjndkdns said...

Ooh Sara well done on 200 followers :) that little toadstool is just adorable! Love it! Xx

Tina Peacock said...

Well done you! That's many happy followers. Count me in for your lovely giveaway. I'll mail you my address for any wool that's left but don't worry if there isn't any x

Kate said...

I was just about to say congratulations on the 200 bloggy friends. And then I saw its 202. So congratulations on the 202 bloggy friends! Here's to the next 202!! x

arkonite_babe said...

Wow Sara! What a lovely offer, I hope the lucky recipient enjoys the yumminess of the Green and Blacks!

And 200 followers, I can't even imagine having a quarter of that, LOL :0)

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Happy 200 worldwide friends celebration to you... wow thats a mouthful! lol ;D

just keep blogging and we will follow!

big hugs

Celeste said...

I'm one of your followers too.
Congratulations, but it's not surprising, you make such pretty things.

Gherkin said...

200 friends - how lovely! Love your stuff! Especially the brooches - soooo cute!

Pink Stitches said...

Congrats on all the followers!!
Pink Stitches

Thecraftytrundler said...

200 followers. that's fantastic!!My next target is 100!!!

Sharon xx

My life with MND said...

Woweee, 200 followers, how lucky are you?!

I don't think I get anywhere near as much traffic stop by my blog...but you never know, maybe one day!

Best wishes xx

Dinky Daisy said...

Well done 200 followers, oh and off course I would love to be in with a cance to win chocolate and some handmade lovelyness..:-)

FairlyGirly said...

Congrats on reaching 200 followers, have my fingers crossed for winning the comp!

jo said...

well done on 200 followers! I cant even get to 50.


Aleximo said...

What a landmark number of followers! Congratulations, I love reading your blog, xXx

Lyn said...

Oooo Chocolate, how could I resist entering this give away!
Please put my name in the bag!

Jackie said...

Congratulations for having 200 followers ~ I love seeing what pretty things you make and lovely ideas that you always seem to have :O)

saraeden said...

Thank you all for all your comments , i just wish i could send you all something x x

kelly said...

lovely giveaway, 200 followers is amazing!

Simply H said...

Hello! Congratulations on your 200 blog friends and thank you for celebrating this with a giveaway! I would love to be in with a chance, count me in!

Esther said...

congratulations on your 200 followers, what a success! I love popping along to see what you have been up to ! Esther x

Judy said...

200 is a lot of friends! I hope that I win!! Thanks!

Lindsey said...

Whoop! Whoop! Well done on 200 followers, but I'm not at all surprised. My blog reading has seriously been curtailed by my "real" job, but when I get chance I always pop into the world of Eden first (and not just 'cause you're an 'A' so you're top of the list alphabetically!!)

Jo said...

well done on 200 followers!
Josie x

The Little Bakery said...

Wow 200 followers, thats fab. I only have 1 on my new blog :o(
You do have a lovely blog.
