Saturday, 20 September 2008

Saturday ..

do you ever have days when you just dont get anything done ?
I hope you are all saying Oh yes at the screen .

I had such great plans for today
some sewing
some housework
Sorting out our bedroom
building the new wardrobe .. yes i did say the wardrobe V !!

Instead i have sorted a small country's worth of washing
cleaned up cat sick .. twice !!
and that is about it

All those plans i had
oh well never mind
i did manage to list another flower on folksy

so there you go that's my Saturday


Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean!! Where does the day go? I love your pics below by the way...very professional!! x

Anonymous said...

not enough hours!!!!!!!!

Ian said...

Hi there,

Sorry to be a bit off-topic here, but I was contacted by a blogger( has you on her blog roll.

I'm an author and she wrote to thank me for writing a book I had written called 'A Place in My Country: In Search of a Rural Dream'.

This is what Becoming Domestic wrote in her email to me:

"I found your book in our local library and have enjoyed it tremendously.
Your story and those of your friends in Marsham is told so well. Before reading it I was concerned with leaving behind the final trappings of modern
life which may not be accessible in Cornwall but now realize I have so much to take their place.

I'm buying a copy of your book for my husband I know he'll enjoy it as much as me.

Thanks for writing it."

I hope you don't mind but I thought it might therefore appeal to you too, as she has you on her blogroll.

Here's the Amazon reference but it is published by Phoenix in paperback and was published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson last year.

If your blog has heaps of traffic I may even be able to get my publisher to send you a free copy if you tell them that you will review and blog about it, but they are rather mean when it comes to bloggers! (Why is beyond me.)

Anyway, there it is. Again, hope you don't object to this shameless self-promotion.

Kind regards,