Tuesday, 1 July 2008

any body out there

I know there are a few lovely people still read my blog and i know i have been away but does anybody else read my blog ???
Im not expecting hundreds of comments but i would love to know someone reads what i write !!

Now thats the question bit over i have finally managed to drag myself kicking and screaming over to the gorgeous Jonesy who very kindly assisted me in making another make up bag
nothing to exciting but i really am having trouble easing myself back into work !!
I really must get myself going soon or we will not be eating this month ;0)

Anyway school run time so i will leave you with what is one of my fave photos i took on
Crantock beach

and please do let me know if your still reading this
a girl needs to know shes still wanted !!!

Sara x


Greedy Nan said...

hello. i'm reading you! i had a blog for a while but nobody read me and i felt totally unloved. i don't have it anymore. i will keep looking at you though and will make the occasional comment if that's ok.

Pipany said...

Hey Sara, I'm still here! It is strange how few comments people leave sometimes isn't it? Didn't manage much blog reading yesterday (know what you mean about work!) but popping in and out today. Love your pics of Cornwall and I thought Crantock would be there somewhere, you surf dude! xx

Lindsey said...

I'm still here as well. And I'm all excited 'cause I've just skimmed back through all your Cornwall photos from the last couple of days and spotted West Pentire and the Bowgie Inn and Crantcok Bay Hotel and ooohhhh....
*huge grin on chops*
The work thing will happen again, even if it is gradual. I'm panicking 'cause I really need to get going for this craft fair. Have bought a new shelving unit on ebay so I can have a proper sort out of my room, but 'til the lady replies to my message to say when I can collect it I've ground to a halt. It's so frustrating.
Know what you mean about comments. Sometimes nobody responds to my little missives. I tend to see mine as more of a diary tho' and if noone reads it then at least I've still made the record. :o)

Rachel said...

Hello, I'm reading you too! Your holiday photo's are stunning. Hope you get your sewing mojo back soon!

pink-petal-designs said...

I always pop by Sara,

Glad you all had a good time and i know how you feel about the post holiday feeling im feeling it too.
Sarah x

Claire said...

Yes Im still here too!! Thankyou Sarah for my goodies I recieved them this morning and I love them, can't wait to put them in my new kitchen!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!! Claire xx

Miss sew n sew said...

Hi Sara
Your holiday shots are really good looks like you had a fab time I'm missing Cornwall too. Glad you had a nice birthday and congrats on your engagement!! I always pop by your blog no what you mean about comments I feel the same sometimes.

prettyshabby said...

hello, Im reading..i tend to pop over and read several posts at once..beautiful photos by the way x

Bagladee said...

fantastic photos Sarah, you said on my blog that you have just gotten a kitten today. Will you be posting some photo's I'd love to see them. xx

Jackie said...

Of course we still read your blog but I have found that if you are about sewing and your post contains no sewing then comments are few.
I am that blogger.

Lucykate Crafts... said...

i still pop by, but have been really slack on commenting lately. bloglines is good in some respects but the bad side is it can breed laziness on commenting.