Monday 17 September 2007

car booty eat ya heart out !!

Yes after lots of moaning i got up early on sunday and we did a car boot !!
We had lots of stuff to clearout and amazingly it sold .. yay !!
I did sin and buy some cute things i would show you but i still havent found me camera !!
It felt really good to have a clearout but believe me its just the tip of the iceburg
we have so much stuff ,
some of it i would love to keep but i think a lot of it will be going to new homes .
I think a good clearout will also help me focus more on work as i will not be surrounded by it all .
Our house is not big enough for everything we have !!
I love my house to be a warm welcoming home were children can play and guests can feel at ease but at the moment my house feels cramped and cluttered .
So this week i plan to sort out all my clothes ,
i see several trips to the local charity shops coming on !!
and generally get all those annoying jobs done .
Well that enough waffling from me , im off to finish cleaning my bathroom
oh joy !!

Sara x

Check out my other blog tomorrow for a new Tuesday update !!

from the hands of kitty eden


Cathy said...

There is something very therapeutic about having a clear out! I too feel that my house is shrinking - maybe because everytime I do a car boot I bring home more than I take. Ho hum. I find that the charity shops won't take stuff either at the mo, so it looks like I am stuck with clutter for a while.

Just Original said...

A bit of Feng Shui is good for the soul! I hope you stocked up and the bleach and bin liners for the mammouth task ahead of you!

Vanessa x

mollycupcakes said...

Well done honey, a good clear out is just the ticket for starting a fresh. Glad you did ok at the boot fair, they can be funny places.
I never find anything at them and have given up on them around here lol
Best wishes.

Catherine x